final fabrics for the Blades
The Blades series is coming along. I was starting to feel panicked because I didn’t have a good handle on when the artwork for my upcoming shows was due. I’m making new work for the Phinney show in February as well as the Foster/White show in April. Plus, I’m teaching workshops at Pratt in February and April. Add in soccer games, chorus concerts, and all the other demands of motherhood, and I was really starting to freak out about how I was ever going to get it all done.
So I sat myself down in front of the calendar and planned out my schedule with all my deadlines plus a week by week work plan. For some artistic types it would be over the top, but for me it gives me a sense of calm. I now know exactly where I am with my work, and if no one gets sick, I haven’t vastly underestimated how long each step will take me, and I don’t take any vacations, I should be able to get it all done by mid-March.
And if that wasn’t enough planning, I also made a table of all the steps I still need to complete for the Blades. It’s complicated working on thirteen pieces at the same time! Plus, it’s just so satisfying to check things off. As of today I have made final fabric selections for the first group seven Blades and cut out the fabric and adhesive for Number Five. My plan is to be done with cutting, painting, and glueing up the panels for the first group by the end of this week. Next week I’ll move on to sewing while the kids are off school. Wish me luck!

look at all those check marks!

getting ready for painting

framing areas for cutting