It feels strange to be spending so much time on a project that isn’t in line with my “work”. I feel like I keep having to defend it to myself, and I’m a little embarrassed to share it. But really, I’m having a great time doing it. And you never know where things will lead.
I was telling Anna and Paul McKee, my studio-mates, that it’s like being at Summer Camp in my studio these days. Only instead of making a basket, I’m making a giant bird that I’m going to set on fire. Kind of freeing, really.
The bird shape is complete for now. I still need to able to remove the wings for travel so am not adding any additional structure around the shoulder girdle. I’m still adding detail on the wings and may add some around the neck. My daughter Vida was at the studio today helping me tie raffia around all the joins. Still plenty of work to be done and I haven’t started on the nest yet.

the work table

now that it's got eyes it needs a name.

wing detail