A Whirlwind

Luck me hanging out with the cool kids at Fiber Philadelphia, Leesa Hubble, Marci McDade and LM Wood.

Life has been so busy and full lately and I am desperately behind on my blogging. Here’s a list of some of the things that I want to blog about:

the SDA Washington Symposium March 3rd and 4th–fantastically successful!

finishing and delivery of square panel pieces

trip to SDA/SAQA Conference in Philadelphia including fabulous art, wonderful people, and terrific workshop

nice display of my new work at Foster/White Gallery this month along with Rachel Denny’s show

the challenges of working on a commission

leaving tomorrow for trip to Oregon for gallery hopping, studio visits, and my opening at the Fairbanks Gallery at Oregon State University

I’m hoping to have some time soon and catch up in reverse order. Problem is, more things just keep happening!

My students doing their best to trash the room at the Mariott in West Conshocken.