The tree trunk splits, and splits again, each limb reaching for the sun, leaves taking in energy and releasing oxygen. The river delta braids and divides. The lightning strikes and the neuron fires. We are the products of our family trees, forming our social networks as we move in and out of a virtual environment, each choice a divergence.
Nature closely observed and recorded, and the evidence of human hands upon it, are the themes of my artwork. Fabric is fundamental to me. Like a tree, a sewn and woven object is formed by repeating a simple process, building on what has come before, each stitch self-similar. I use many processes of dyeing and sewing to make marks, including working with antique textiles that hold the memories of past decisions. These textiles made by hands long gone have now passed into my hands, for a use that was never imagined. The pathways continue to branch, linking one limb and one story to another along an unending line.
- Implicate Order, 2016
- Implicate Order, 2016, Detail
- Iterations, 2016
- Iterations, 2016, Detail
- Fractured, 2016
- Fractured, 2016, Detail
- Plane Curve, 2016
- Plane Curve, 2016, Detail
- Cause and Effect, 2016 Diptych
- Cause and Effect, 2016, Detail
- Unburdening, 2016
- Unmixing, 2016
- Unmixing, 2016, Detail
- Nacre, 2016, Detail
- Beryl, 2016
- Basalt, 2016
- Papaver, 2016
- Petiole, 2016
- Petiole, 2016, Detail
- Wave Series, 2016
- Sucia, Wave Series, 2016
- Turning Point, 2016
- Turning Point, 2016, Detail
- Artist with Plane Curve, photo by Marci Rae McDade