I have the extreme good fortune to have two studios, one inside my home where I do all my sewing and one outside the home.
Easelstan, a house converted into art studios, is where I do all my dyeing and construction and also store my past projects. There are five artists with studios in the building and we have a great collegial relationship. We do a weekly crit group, rotating among us. I’m the only fiber artist, but I find the feedback of my studiomates across mediums is really helpful.
My studio is in the converted attic space. It’s about 250 square feet but has several challenges. One is the stair well in the center of the space and the other is the sloped walls. Being short, I have a fair amount of usable floor space and when the owners created the studios they brought the walls in to create storage space under the eaves. This is great for storing past projects, tools, and extra materials.
Here’s my studio looking West.
And here the view looking East.
Here’s some of my storage.
Some of the features I love in my studios are a sink and exhaust fan for mixing dyes, skylights, and a view of the mountains to the West.
Although the space is divided up, I do have room for a large work area of two six foot tables put together along their length. I use a sheet of vinyl across them to create a smooth(ish) surface. I also have three other tables that I can move around as needed.
I like to keep my studio pretty tidy. I find I need an uncluttered space to be creative, no collections or decorations to distract me. Here are some of the ways I store my materials.
My home studio is where I do my sewing and also does double duty as a guest room.I have a U shaped work area for sewing and cutting.
I have a design wall that I made using a flannel backed picnic blanket. It’s a little less than ideal but I make it work. The door leads to a small office I share with the family where I can catch up on email, blog, or listen to music.
Again, storage is always an issue. Here are some of my solutions.
I hope you enjoyed the tour! I admit that I cleaned up a bit for company.